欢迎来到健身板电视!我的名字是Josh,我是节目的制作人。我们打算带来生活与精神疾病生活的个人故事。我们的目标是让别人面对类似的挑战知道他们并不是孤单的感受和经验。每周,我们将讨论心理健康的不同方面。我们的主人将与人们谈论他们的经历,他们如何应对,以及什么是并且不为他们工作。我们的共同主持人和HealthalPlace.com医疗主任哈里·克罗夫特博士将在提供洞察力和他对主题的专业知识。雷竞技是骗人的在展会的下半场,我们将您的观众敞开到您身边。在此部分期间,您可以向克罗夫特博士提出您对智力健康的任何您所希望的任何您的个人问题。我可以向你保证,Croft博士将为您提供易于理解的直答案。 Want to Participate or Be A Guest? At the first of each month, I'll be posting a list of the topics we'll be discussing. If you are interested in being a guest on the show, drop me an email (producer AT healthyplace.com) and put "I want to be a guest" in the subject line. Tell me which show topic you're interested in plus a bit about yourself and why you think your story would be a compelling one. We interview all our guests remotely, so of course, you must have a webcam.
我非常抱歉你的损失。尽管有人回应你,但它确实是一个损失。自杀是一种痛苦的,令人困惑的是,没有人完全理解。当人们告诉你忘记或不感受到痛苦时,知道这与自己的不舒服和个人感情有关,而且与你或你的邻居一起做,他们是自杀者死亡的。你自己的感受是合法的。重要的是要尊重你的感受,让自己体验你所做的想法和情感。在此期间拥有合适的支持也很重要,可以帮助您处理自己的悲伤并以有意义的方式向前迈进。前进并不意味着忘记。它意味着能够拥抱自己的生活,同时仍然记得你的朋友,并做事要尊重他的记忆。您所在地区可能有悲伤的支持组(谷歌搜索或检查Meetup .com可以帮助您找到一些)。 Mental health therapy can be extremely helpful in dealing with a loss like this (as well as the challenges of being a single mom and caring for your own elderly mother). There's a great online organization called Heal Grief (healgrief.org) that might be a source of support and understanding for you, too. (HealthyPlace is not connected to Heal Grief.)There may never be an answer as to why he died by suicide, but support groups and/or therapy can help bring some clarity and closure. Do be patient with yourself in this difficult time, and, while this is easier said than done, practice self-care. Eating healthily, sleeping and resting, and even a little bit of daily exercise (a walk around the block) will help keep your brain and body healthy. That sounds silly in a time like this, but it supports your mind in dealing with grief and loss.