- 如果(填空)呢?
- 我会说些傻瓜。
- 我会做错事的。
- 这可能会发生这种情况或其他坏事。
- 我可以恐慌的攻击,人们会看到我。
- 我可能被困并无法回家。
- (加上你自己特有的担忧、恐惧和假设。)
- 在杂货店:我应该买什么麦片?我一直在对成分列表和营养信息进行了痛苦15分钟,我不能告诉哪一个更好或更糟糕。
- 早上:我应该穿什么?也许是我的蓝色衬衫。但是,人们最近没有看到我?他们会怎么想?我的红色?太肤浅了吗?我的法兰绒?太休闲了吗?
- 决定晚餐:做点什么?出去吗?在订单吗?我最近是不是做太多鸡肉了?我应该一周吃四次牛肉还是两次?健康是什么?什么最便宜?如果我的决定是错的怎么办?我是在让大家都成为癌症的候选人吗?
- 开始很小。急着做重大决定可能会增加焦虑,并使未来的决定更加吓人。
- 作出决定时,将所有的后果,积极和消极的所有后果拖到脑海中。不要判断;写就好了。然后,请诚实看看您的名单。你的想法可靠吗??划掉不太现实的结果。看看还剩下什么。真的有什么事情会毁掉你或你在乎的人的生活吗?
- 增加乐趣。焦虑很重,决策也是如此。对于小决定,谨慎地向风抛弃并以轻松的方式做出决定。抛硬币。滚动模具。吸管。轻微的选择可以减少犹豫不决。
Peterson, T.(2016年2月4日),《焦虑、优柔寡断和挫折》,HealthyPlace。2021年5月28日从//www.lharmeroult.com/blogs/anxiety-schmanxiety/2016/02/anxiety-indecisiveness-and-frustration取回
作者:Tanya J.Peterson,MS,NCC,Dais
你对你的焦虑有很好的了解和它的雷竞技是骗人的思想。意识是您提到的学习曲线的关键。你在你对反馈的看法中并不孤单。许多人患有焦虑的人,我自己都有一种本能的思想/恐惧,没有反馈意味着可怕的事情。我知道你的老板是对的,因为我听说过对我和别人说的很相似的事情。焦虑可以使其难以信赖 - 不仅仅是其他人,而是我们自己。拿你的老板对面部价值的说法,专注于事实:因为他没有给你改进建议,你做得很好。并继续寻找你做得很好的证据。
我的一天是高水平的压力。我对我的压力有焦虑。我担心我的压力因行为而改变,人们会注意到,然后他们会评判我。我担心人们如何以及他们如何考虑我。我从来没有想过我最好的,大家都看到了这一点。他们正在判断我,让我成为一个坏人,一个坏人。那对我来说是有道理的。我开始思考我对我家人的生命的attrumute做错了一切错误。我每天都责怪自己的孩子,让我的孩子们爸爸远离我的孩子。我让他们失望。 I had had enough. I was tired I'm still tired. I feel as they don't understand why I am doing this and how long it took me to break away.. It Hurts mw that theybblame me. I did my all to do what I thought was bestbfor my children and I still do. I just feel angry about if. I don't even feel as if I enjoy being a mother sometimes. It feels like a burden to me. I have been working so hard and trying to do my best to provide for my kids. I have been pushing myself and I don't know how much farther I can go. I am at the point where I can even plan my days or keep plans or try to make plans or change my mind all the time. Now it's I have anxiety about how the day goes. I break it down day by day , in small pieces , let's gets breakfast out the way and we will do this for lunch and my mind ends up changing 2 or 3 times before lunch and still change my mind. Or even p planning an outing to the park. I will tell the kids we will do it in the morning and it will turn into the afternoon and then I just can't calm my anxiety about getting all th e kids ready, getting them in the car, getting them buckled. Making it to the park... Sitting and watching them play and then I start to rush them because I feel as if everyone is talking about me then the kids through a fit all the way home. ..thisbisbwhy i delay foinv out or keepinv pushing days out...,... And i have ao mucb worry aboht how its gojng to make me feel. And the screaming is just getting to a point of like trigger. I just can't take the screaming and crying anymore... It boggles my head ans I start screaming at the kids and I get so upset that they just don't understand how much I do for them and they have no respect for me...but can't complain about it, because I have been raising them so its my fault they act they way they do...... My life everyday is never ending and never changing... I keep with the routine as best as I can . and it's just chaos from wake up to bed time...its fighting and screaming and crying.... I listen to music and hearing screaming and crying in the background when I'm alone in the car... I worry about not be able to go to the Dr about my anxiety, because it takes me weeks to work up to calling them to set an inspection... I know they see me as a crazy person ... I worry about going to my appts and most the time cancel, because I get to worked up to go....then trying to find time to go...dint like asking time OK ff of work, I want them to know I'm a team player.....I worry about everything that doesn'tatter that I can't focus plan any normal grown up responsibility.. Like getting the bills paid, budgeting or even what's for dinner. I can't keep up with all the kids school progress...its too much...I don't support them enough with their school and work . I am too busy worrying about things that don't matter. Great mom, huh. Then everyone tells me over and over again I'm s great mother, and I feel as if I'm portraying s lie. I feel my kids deserve more...... It's too much to explain.... I have lesrnefcacwsy of living where I think I'm going all I can. But then know I'm not at the same time... Doesnt make since ..... How is it that no one can see that I'm not functioning the best but me.
听起来你正在处理很多。压力和焦虑是处理如此多的自然结果,包括单亲育儿。任何人都可以很难处理这个并单独排序。可以治疗这种类型的焦虑并过着一种感觉越来越多的焦虑和繁重的生活。寻找支持在帮助人们处理这种压力和焦虑程度方面很长。我列出了一些文章,这些文章是为了帮助人们找到并最大限度地获得支持以及通过在线或通过聊天支持的人提供危机热线的链接。他们常常可以指向当地资源。继续做你正在做的事情 - 阅读博客和文章并伸出援手。这种焦虑并不需要永远控制你。
为自己说://www.lharmeroult.com/otht-info/mental-illness-overview/speaking-out-for-yourself -.
焦虑肯定会干涉我们的生活,包括决策。变得了解它,决定该做什么,并学习做到这一点是一个需要时间的过程,但是结束焦虑这一方面的明确方式 - 就像你在做一样。当你继续学习和做时,对自己善待。:)