娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
我陷入了躁郁症抑郁症,但是,我正在努力运动。我从来没有成功过。我不时地参加了锻炼计划,但是我讨厌每一个,都没有卡住。更不用说使我的沮丧的屁股从屋子里做任何事情的事实几乎是不可能的。我没有能量,一切都痛苦。躁郁症的抑郁症几乎是不可能的 - 但我希望事实是,它几乎是不可能的。
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
正念无助于我的躁郁症。对不起;我知道拥护者不应该说那种话。I know we’re all supposed to get behind the new, fashionable therapies and tell everyone to do them (but heaven forbid we do the same with psychiatry) but this is one that I think has some major holes in it, particularly for people with serious mental illness. Please understand, mindfulness as a therapy might work for you but here’s why mindfulness doesn’t help my bipolar disorder at all.
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
关于a month ago the news was awash with headlines like: This Blood Test Can Predict Suicide Risk, Scientists Say (thank you, Time.com) suggesting that, well, there was now a blood test to find out if you’re at risk for suicide. When I heard this I thought it was so outrageous that I dismissed it out of hand. But the major news organizations reported headlines like this and people, amazingly, bought into it. Now, I’m not saying there wasn’t a kernel of truth there, there was, but suggesting there’s a blood test for suicide is like saying there’s a blood test for people who can’t parallel park.
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
最近,我一直在参加正念冥想课程。This is pretty amazing seeing as I’ve always felt my brain was not still enough to meditate – not to mention, I’m pretty sure I don’t believe in all this new age stuff (although, technically, meditation is very, very old age stuff). But I went anyway because mindfulness meditation has been shown to be beneficial for all sorts of mental illnesses (not surprisingly, particularly anxiety) and I try to be open to anything that may help-plus, bonus, no side effects. And one of the things I had heard is that when you meditate you need to not think. Your mind is supposed to go blank. You become absent of thought. But this turns out to be false.
娜塔莎·特雷西(Natasha Tracy)
通过多年的躁郁症患者,我提出了各种应对技术。这些技术中有许多具有精美的名称,并在诸如认知行为疗法(CBT)等疗法中进行了详细介绍。当然,我很早就使用了它们,才知道他们有名字。我目前的技能之一就是思考式拳击。或者,至少,我称之为。据我所知,这项特殊技能没有名字。这是Natasha的技能。我多年来一直努力地开发了一些事情,不要让疯狂杀死我。这是控制思想的一种方式。这是一种使尽可能多的可怕的双相想法远离我的意识的方式。 It’s a way of sidestepping all the thoughts that are, indeed, trying to kill me.