





















标签: 困难的任务

Lueck,M。(2018年5月15日)。当你着急,健康的地方时如何完成困难的任务。从2021年检索,5月25日来自//www.lharmeroult.com/blogs/getting- rough-tough-times/2018/5/how-to-accomplish-difficult-tasks

作者:Martha Lueck





我很抱歉你觉得不受欢迎。:(损失和低自尊肯定会让社交变得困难。您有没有想过尝试抑郁症支持小组?也许有一个群体附近。它可能有助于向共享您的某些感受的人开放。I attended a group called Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (a.k.a. DBSA). It was very helpful. I felt less alone.


有时候,直到他们到目前为止,迟到甚至很紧急,焦虑已经吃掉了我。好像今天。This whole week and prior, I had what’ could have been a very bad or fatal car accident a few weeks ago, but I’m so grateful nobody was hurt and nobody’ was hit or hit me when I lost control of my car on the interstate where someone had dumped some large rock from a truck I’m supposing. It did do damage to my car which was hard for me to take care of, pay for, and go through the motions of having to leave it somewhere two different times and get rides either to or from or both to get it picked up. I have no one but one friend who’s helped me in emergencies like this before but I’m not their responsibility and they didn’t have the time. Ever though I isolate myself at home due to major depression, anxiety and C-PTSD, I feel like I have to have my car in case I’d need it. I feel lost without knowing it’s here even though I push things off such as groceries,, too. I started to beat myself up over if I could have avoided the accident almost immediately vs just being grateful no one was hurt and my car was still drivable until I could get it where I needed to take it. The cost worried me sick becstse I’m on a fixed income of course and barely get by. I never even bothered to tell anyone else because it was too worrisome to think about. The entire time my car was gone I could not get out of bed. My fear of the unknown was too great. All I have is my dog and I thought about how awful it would have been for her to be scared when I never made it home. She’s my only concern since everyone else in my life has abandoned me, disowned me, or hates me due to my ex spouse who is a covert narcissist. I’m still suffering and trying to recover and heal from that but alone it’s so hard. I see a counselor but I don’t feel it helps becstse I can’t find a way to live alongside the pain of losing my daughter through that divorce. He was her step dad, but poisoned her against me and she never ever cane to me to ask any questions of WHY, on any of the enormous lies he told not only her but nearly everyone else I had in my life.
现在这是美国的纪念日周末。周六。随着人们讨厌他们的朋友和家人,周末对我来说总是难以忍受。只是做我正常的琐事似乎是不可能的大部分时间都是因为我想到“谁关心”,或者为什么我应该让它打扰我,如果没有人会看到它,除了我吗?在分开并失去我的家丧失抵押品赎回权之后,我在整个近6年里只有几个游客。我让我在盒子和包包里打开了这么多东西,只是一切。它伤心了,因为我曾经关心我的家,但这只是一个磨练的我的狗在这里。她是我的生命,我不是最好照顾她,我应该通过唤醒她或自己。我发现借口告诉自己,我知道那些借口是荒谬的,但经常只是走在我的门外,看到别人的生活是太多,无法处理我。我也推迟了我的洗衣服这么久以至于它在思想中沉溺于各种各样的东西并组织的东西,只要在这里组织那么少。 I hate myself for all these things. I don’t take proper care of myself either becstse it’s just too hard and I think WHY when no one else sees me? I’m one who struggles with showing and just running a comb through my hair. I used to be fairly attractive and I think I’ve given up trying to take care of me becstse I know I can’t be in a relationship either. I’ve been unloved so long now that I can’t imagine anyone ever loving me again, especially the way I am now. Who could blame anyone from running from me if they ever were to take an interest in me? I would. I’m a disaster and this weekend counting the hours of so much time alone while I know others are enjoying life and they’d famikies and friends. It makes the loneliness seem 100 times worse and I cry all the time as it already is. Eating has become a chore if there’s not something simple to make which right now there isn’t and I’d rather hide all weekend from happy people because that makes me cry too.
对不起,许多领域这是如此禁止。我这个周末我很挣扎,这是我必须与某人交谈的最接近的事情。我甚至没有电视服务或WiFi,所以我的手机是它,我已经在一周前超过了我的“无限制”数据,在另一周之前,直到它重置。I’m as secluded and cut off as they come and I don’t know how much longer i can hold on, but I’m not going to do anything to hurt myself, so if anyone does happen to read this which I doubt since there are no others here, it really doesn’t matter if I say that or not.
