Jo K.(2012年9月27日)。在你之后会被虐待的人,HealthyPlace。2021年6月11日,从//www.lharmeroult.com/blogs/verbalabuseinrelationships/2012/09/the-one-abused-after-you获取
哇,这篇文章真有趣。我和前任在一起一年多一点。我们一开始是异地恋,但他用婚姻的承诺说服我搬到他的城市。我搬去和他一起住,他的“虐待”行为就开始了。从来都不是肢体接触,而是言语上的。像“你需要减肥”(我当时125磅)、“少吃点”、“看起来不错”这样的话变得很常见。每次我反驳他时,他都会说他这么说是因为他爱我,在照顾我。我继续上当,从未怀疑过他的意图,甚至一秒钟。在此期间,他多次向我求婚。我总是说:“让我们至少等一年再采取行动。” He seemed to agree.
情感虐待还在继续——“你怎么这么敏感?”“你为什么总是挑事?”"你总是这么消极" "别发牢骚"我往往很情绪化,当事情似乎失去控制时就开始哭,而他却非常冷静和镇定。每次吵架/争吵结束时,我都觉得自己是罪魁祸首,感觉很糟糕。我不顾一切地想改变自己,让事情变得更好。当我发现他在约会资料上仍然很活跃(在一起一年之后),我没有去面对他,而是决定责怪自己,试着更爱他。我想让他知道我可以改变,成为一个更好的伴侣。
当他和我分手后,他突然像鬼一样消失了——是的,消失了。拒绝接我的电话或回复我的信息。我觉得自己像个可怕的人,不惜一切代价要他回来。我强迫他最后一次见我,作为一种"了结"的方式我们见面了,他说“他工作很忙,没有时间谈恋爱了”。我彻底心碎了。我在这段感情中投入了那么多,他连眼都没眨就把我踢到了路边。在那次分手的时候,我接受了他的决定,开始为自己努力。一直以来,他都希望我能变成一个更好的人,他就会回来。分手后我们继续发短信几个月,然后我就不再回复他了。 Fast forward a few months later, I discovered that he had gotten engaged to someone else within 2 months of breaking up with me!!!!!!! This is while we were still texting each other, he was getting engaged. He refused to mention the presence of another woman in his life. I was devastated at the news of this "sudden" engagement. It was unclear whether he met her after we broke up or if there was overlap between us.
我经历了一段20年的不幸婚姻,“他”这个施虐者把我迷得神魂颠倒。当我告诉丈夫我们已经结束了,我想离婚时,他就把我赶出了婚房。在见施虐者的几个月前,我就提出了离婚。我直接和施虐者住在一起了。他刚刚和以前的伴侣分手。他说她虐待他。我相信他说的一切。他告诉我他没有外遇,如果我们要继续我们的关系,那么我应该结束我的婚姻。我做到了。在最初的几个星期/也许两个月里,我们生活在幸福的泡泡里。 I then started to see an angry side to him. How quick he could turn. Then His anger turned towards me. He didn’t trust me. He went on to abuse me mentally, physically and also financially. Insisting I pay for most things. My light dimmed. I couldn’t bear to look at myself in the mirror, during the last few weeks that we was together. My inner voice was screaming for it all to stop, and when I looked in the mirror, I knew I was lying to the person staring back at me. I discovered in the end he had contacted his ex previous to me and wanted to see her again. I left. I waked out one Day in November, as I knew if I didn’t walk I would of been pushed. I moved away from my children and friends 10 weeks ago. Me and the abuser still had contact throughout these weeks. He confessed that during our 6 months together he still loved her. He came to see me at my new town for one night. Told me he still wanted me but also her as well..I ended the mindF@ck就在两个多星期前,我告诉他不要再联系了,现在已经没有联系了。这个周末我就要回家了,回到我的老夫家,重新开始。我丈夫不住在那里了,我觉得我绕了一个完整的圈子。但我的光芒又开始变得明亮,我现在可以直视自己的眼睛了。
我的故事就像其他许多虐待关系一样开始。他真的很想了解我。第一次约会前,我们在电话里聊了好几个小时。当我们第一次接吻的时候,我就被迷住了。我们在一起一整个星期,他从来没有主动过做爱。我对自己说,每段感情都应该这样开始。他很早就打电话给他的母亲和朋友,告诉他们他已经找到了他的妻子。他非常忠诚,欺骗从来不是吸引我进一步关注的问题。我在信任方面有问题,因为我自己在前一段关系中犯了错。早期就出现了一些迹象。 He made me cry after saying some very hurtful things and he wasn't apologetic. It started to decline rapidly to include drunken belligerent texts followed by an apology the next day and to tell me how much he loved me. Almost two years later and we are no longer together. It took leaving 5 times to see I deserve better and it wasn't all my fault. It went from verbal abuse to physical abuse followed by the honeymoon phase. It's a repetitive and vicious cycle. I believed in this man and there were good times. The problem is he never believed in me. I pray for healing and strength to all those who are suffering from abuse.
哇,这是我现在生活的一个转折点。我30岁了。我丈夫32岁。他在身体上、情感上和言语上都受到了虐待。我们结婚已经一年半了,但在一起的时间还不到6年。我有两个继子,我差点把他们养大,我们还有一个孩子。婚礼一个月后我怀孕了,这是计划好的。我们还没有上法庭,但我已经提出离婚,开庭日期已经定了。他为了一个19岁的女孩离开了我,我们认识她,她是我们共同朋友的女儿的朋友。没有消息说他们已经这样做很长时间了,甚至在我们结婚之前,她还未成年。 I left the house with the baby and moved in with my parents. He left the house that was his before the marriage. He moved in with the 19 year old. Things are messy. His ex filed an order of protection. He hasn't seen any of his kids in nearly 45 days and hasn't asked really about any of them. I'm scared and I'm getting help from an abuse couselor. I just feel like I need a support system.
我和我男朋友在一起一年了,他在最初的几个月里向我展示了他是谁,但我忽略了它。我们没有住在一起,但他想让我一直在他家。如果我想回到45分钟车程外的家,他会指责我过着双重生活,而我的“另一个”男朋友肯定想让我回家。爱情轰炸的恶性循环,紧张气氛的积聚,然后愤怒的爆发,一次又一次地让我很困惑。他会一边给我起外号,一边抬高自己。所有这些故事都是相似的,尽管我两天前离开并回家,但我有很多焦虑。我在手机上屏蔽了他,但每隔几个小时我就会查看我的“屏蔽”短信,看看他是否留下了一条。我甚至解锁了他的号码几分钟,但这让我身体不适,所以我再次屏蔽了他。我的思绪飞快,我不停地提醒自己所有的坏事,我有多不开心,他对我有多糟糕,为什么我要让自己经历这些?我一整天都在看书,都没洗澡,也懒得换睡衣。 I have read about narcissism, abuse, finding strength after abuse etc and it helps for the moment but how am I to do this everyday? I’m not saying I can’t do it I am genuinely asking how? Pushing myself to exercise or binge watch tv isn’t helping, all I keep thinking is that he is with a “her”. I know she’s going to get everything I got, the sweet and loving gestures, all of it but it doesn’t help me. I feel like to a certain extent I am brainwashed so how do you un*uck yourself? His last rage, he punched my car window because I wouldn’t open the door, he tried ripping off the door handle, when I was able to drive away I went and hid on a side street just in case he followed me. When I felt it was safe I went to the gas station and there he was coming straight at me and tried blocking me between his car and the wall. I was able to get past him and into the street where he again tried blocking me up against the center median. When the light changed I drove, he then started trying to run me off the road before damaging his car and having to pull over. Believe it or not I went back after a few days, he was coming to my house, texting or calling my adult kids and I went back to stop the madness. Funny how that didn’t make me leave but him speaking to me foul the other day did. I know it was all a build up and I needed to be mentally ready and I am because the thought of unblocking him made my stomach sick, so how do I get out of my own way? Ya I guess I want over night results but knowing this time I am not going back, him completely ignoring me, it’s a mind f*ck. Of course all of this, everything is my fault, I wouldn’t get treated like this if I “wouldn’t push his buttons” or “run my mouth”, if I cry I am whining. Just writing this is making me sick that I even got myself into this situation at 48 yrs old. Any help/advice would be welcomed. To all of you out there that have succeeded at moving on I applaud your strength and keep writing because there are a lot of us that need you.
嗨贝基我可以告诉你你的愈合方式从这样的严重性abbuse。你认为你不离开第四.im告诉你在打击我的精神伙伴。他称厚厚的愚蠢。他想让你嗨傻看我把你.zero情感这就是他们无法感觉.honestly 10年四世在他2美丽的婴儿当他对我说爱你我当面嘲笑他称他是可怜的人,你不能医治他们当他踢我的儿子我13岁。我知道他不只是叫的名字,实际上是在同一屋檐下的精神病欺负。但是你知道当你开始将你使你的计划今晚.Go现在不认为这么做对不对,我对他说我向你保证你永远不会再伤害我?今天下午他说你有什么选择.stand不断让我打击你,直到你流血,我不认为我的儿子能看到危险我们永不再我要见他,现在因为我有备份一个电话him from a man telling him to fuck off keep away .if he wants to keep his life .dont be stupid leave .calling me a milf this morning stemed my anger .i made him understand what he was doing to me .their ill damaged impaired distorted .my new guy has some one watching the house now .because he now knows I don't want him so the danger escalate.as he has nothing else to loose .do you honestly believe that their human .clearly not .i said to myself I had to put a stop to this .so now who's laughing .hes going to get what's coming to him .hell be so scared .good he needs to be feeling scared
我才是在第一任妻子死后被虐待的人。他2010年中风,2011年离婚。在他的敦促下,我们于2016年结婚。婚礼后不到10天,虐待就开始了。16个月后我离开了他。我之前离开过很多次,有一次是4周,我相信了他改变的承诺。他会骂我,骂我,威胁我,叫我滚出他的房子,等等,然后第二天早上他很惊讶,我生气了,或者表现得像,并声称这一切都没有发生过。我记录了婚姻期间的一件事,以及分居后的几通电话。我已经提出离婚。在我的状态下,情感和言语虐待是离婚的理由,也是欺诈性诱导结婚的理由。 With the recordings I have, we (attorney and I) are planning to amend our petition to include causes of action for fraud in the inducement and damages . I cannot wait to play the recording of his cussing me out to our female judge and jury. Ladies, ask your lawyer about separate causes of action for damages from fraud -- especially if they have abused before and conned you with their innocence. I have a great paper trail of evidence showing how he took of advantage of me financially and then threatened me if I didn't write him an "f-ing" check on the recording.
三周前,我儿子的父亲离开了我,和别人在一起了。我和他在一起两年了,我们的关系很糟糕。他会打我,把一切都怪在我头上。他因为愤怒而责怪我,还在情感上虐待我。我儿子出生后,我们的压力水平一直很高,所以我明白为什么他总是紧张不安,但我一直告诉自己,我不应该被一个男人打。自从离婚后,他就没有和我以及我9个月大的儿子联系过,这让我怀疑我是否真的是他如此痛苦的原因。在某种程度上,看到他继续前进让我很伤心,但我想他永远不会改变。当我想起我们的关系时,变化只是暂时的,因为我离开了他无数次。爱你的人是不会想伤害你的。他们会确保你的安全,我知道这一点,但我现在有一种空虚的感觉。 While I am a single mother who does anything for her child hes in the arms of another woman as if I meant absolutely nothing to him. What truly kills me is that he could care less about his son and how this will affect him in the long run.
我的丈夫昨天正式离开了我,这是他第二次和第一次离开的那个女人在一起。我们在一起已经8年了。他直到去年才对我进行身体上的虐待,尽管之前有过情感和言语上的虐待。我发现他很自恋,而我依赖他。他想搬到另一个州去,而我愚蠢地这么做了,以为我们的生活会更好。他们这样做了一段时间。我找到了一份好工作,我们的经济状况也很好。他就是从那时开始出轨的。我们之间的这种关系断断续续地持续了一年。她本身就是一个非常病态和刻薄的女孩。 We do share a child and his dad is his best friend. I lost my job due to him making me late to often with all the chaos and drama. He took all our money literally which was from a title loan and ran off with her and didnt say a word. The only words I got yesterday were "the money is gone leave me alone." He does abuse her and has from the start. They both munipulate the situation and i am the one that gets dragged through there fights because thats when he comes home. As wrong as this is and believe me when i say I know it is, I feel devestated, alone and in somewhat of a panic. The worst part is I still love his despite it all because there is something psychologically wrong with me to justify this and want him home. I know that i am better off with out him in all ways and i dont feel that I am afraid to be alone because the majority of the time he isn't around any way. But I do find my self wondering what makes her better or why i am not good enough? And all the rest of the feelings and patterns of the abuse, narcissism and co-dependancy. I know very well that i am going through the process of all the feelings and the desperate feeling of needing him home and he is out enjoying life with out a worry having a great time like we do not exist. He isn't allowed to take my son with her because their relationship is more toxic then our and she is a time bomb her self. Once the desperate and loniless subsides I start self care and healing and thats when is waltz through the door or as soon as their next argument. All the work and emotions and everything else i did just to be somewhat ok, as in able to get out of bed and face the world again goes right out the window. I am the moth to his flame and become powerless over my own self. I fear the day he knocks on that door because I know my self enough to know that I melt and completely fall apart. He either gradually wheins his way back or just all at once convincing me that he loves me knowing that I truly do love him unconditionally. Despite being intelligent enough to know the signs and patterns here I am back to the begining of the hell i have allowed my self to live through for the last year wondering why and all the rest. I even convince my self that this is really it this time he doesnt want me and left me for good and feel devastated even knowing the pattern. I lay here wondering how i can be so smart yet so stupid at once? In addition to having no self-worth at all and that comes way before him.....
我和一个虐待狂男友在一起五年了。我和他分手了,我们分开了7个月。在这段时间里,他只谈了3/4个月的恋爱;他和她在一起是在我出院后因为我试图自杀,就在他假装关心之后我试过了。我现在和他在一起了。他告诉我他从未动过她,我相信。我能看出来他是不是在撒谎。那天晚上他推了我。第二天又推了我一把。都是因为我在揭伤口。 Wounds from him in the past and wounds from the relationship he was in. She had two kids and he never touched them either. He went around playing baby daddy. I’m trying to let these wounds heal. To let go of the past that I cannot control as to not ruin my present and future that I can control. But every time I tell myself to let go, there’s nothing I can do, I still think about: why me and not her? I’ve read that it could be because she was stronger and he thought she wouldn’t put up with it. So does he see me as weak? I just don’t know why it’s me and not her. I thought it was me and not her because I thought he stopped the abuse completely, but I can see that’s not true. I know that I am doing better for myself than her. She’s an alcoholic at 18 and has two kids whom share a tiny bed and live in a trailer with 6 other people. So why am I getting hung up that she’s stronger? I’ve made it out of everything that’s hurt me so far and I’m doing really well at college and in my job. So why me and not her? Does he think she’s stronger, even if he says he hates her and never wants to see her again? Does he resent me for not being strong and that’s why I’m blamed? I’m sorry if these turned into rambling or didn’t make much sense. I’m just very confused right now
所以我去年离开了我的前任,在一段令人难以置信的有毒关系中度过了四年。她给这段关系带来的只有债务和情感包袱。第一次见到她的时候,我34岁,无忧无虑。警告信号很早就出现了,我应该听从自己的直觉。甚至在我见到她之前,如果我不给她发早上好短信,她就会生气。总之快进。我们现在有一个四岁的儿子,我很喜欢他。他是我的整个世界,每个人都说我是个好爸爸,我也这么认为。简而言之,我的前女友我叫她朱蒂丝,她不让我继续我的生活。如果我试图摆脱她,她就利用我儿子来报复我,威胁说不再还她欠我的钱,现在她已经完全不还了。 She hacks into my personal email account and social media profiles, which she deems acceptable. On the surface she puts on this front of being a hardworking mum of two, who's struggling against the odds, when in reality all she does is take take take. She's taken nearly 12Thousand pounds off me even though she's been earning nearly 15 thousand pounds more than me for the last few years. Her ex partner left her with a mountain of debt and even though I helped her clear most of it she's happy to leave me in debt for thousands of pounds, while she walks away Scot free. I think her problems stemmed from the fact she was emotionally abused by her parents when she was younger, and she now cant form an opinion of her own or do anything without the approval of her parents even though she's 41. She has two children to two different men and has been largely criticized and judged by her family, which only adds to her emotional baggage. All her siblings and cousins are happily married, with good jobs and homes they own, whereas Judith struggles with money and scours internet dating sites like tinder and plenty of fish, trying to find her next 'saviour'. Her first borns father is actually gay now (I promise I'm not making this up lol). He was forced out of the relationship and actually walked away from dating women forever, largely down to her behaviour which is incredibly embarrassing for her. Knowing people are sniggering at her behind her back must only add to her torment. I walked away from the relationship last September when she assaulted me in front of our young son. She's always played on being the victim so to see her act this way was truly shocking. However her default setting is to lie about what happened and twist it so she looks like the victim, due to the fact she doesn't want people to know what she's really like. In recent weeks she's driven me to breaking point, but with the support of my family and friends I'm getting myself back on track. She puts on the front she's been there for me, but even when I was in my hospital bed she was provoking me and trying to cause rows. Seeing how popular I am and how many friends I have brings her so much jealousy and only highlights how miserable she is inside. However, I'm having no contact with her whatsoever, which has felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulder. Her greatest fear is that I'll move on from her and find happiness, which is exactly what I'll do, I know I will. Her boys will grow up and lead their own lives and I'll have a relationship with my son without needing to see her anymore, and she'll grow old and lonely and bitter and angry at the world all on her own, and it'll be spectacular!! I'm a big believer in karma, and the fact she's so angry with the world and blaming everyone else for the way her life's turned out is so amusing. She's manipulative, controlling and bitter and with such ugly qualities I can only see a dark and unhappy future ahead of her. No doubt I'll get the blame for her misery lol. Things are looking very optimistic for me on several different levels. The futures bright and I'm feeling happier than I ever have been.
哦,女孩,我当然能感同身受!不幸的是!我丈夫对他的手机也很保密。我和他在一起快十年了,也从来没有背叛过他,当我离开的时候,我发现他还有其他几个女孩。当我第一次见到他的新女友时,我也笑了——上帝原谅我——但我想,“你怎么能离开JLo去CardiB?”(我是詹妮弗·洛佩兹的超级粉丝!)然而,我和他无礼的新女友有很多问题。然而,我的丈夫确实试图让它工作,但我已经意识到,我不了解那个男人,选择爱自己,所以虐待变得更加公然的威胁。我们女孩总是需要一个了结,但有时我们得不到,这很艰难。我能说的最好的事情是-远离蛇的最好方法是超越-成为你最好的版本,爱你自己,当然把上帝放在第一位。 I'm in the same situation with my new boyfriend - struggling to fully let him in. He is such an angel though and is so patient and caring with me. My biggest concern now is that his love and patience doesn't have an expiration date since I can't determine when I will be healed, if ever. I know that random things my trigger certain emotions even later on and I hope he can be patient with me.
我也有同样的处境。我对你的故事产生共鸣。他已经对我做了两次严重下降的成绩。当他们攻击你的外表、你的个性,告诉我我的子宫可能已经坏了,不适合生孩子,我要找一个年轻的女人,我很难不感到挫败。我还不老。我想警告她,但他的恶言恶语让我知道她上钩了。他告诉我她是个胖子,然后告诉她,他这么说只是为了让我平静下来,因为我显然认为她是个威胁。一个女人怎么能允许一个男人为了拯救另一个女人的感情而贬低她,却仍然对他有好感,这是我无法理解的。我们必须记住,我们并没有失去他们。我们摆脱了他们。 He started a relationship with her publicly before ending anything with me and was still asking why i couldnt love him a week after getting in a relationship. Only came on fb to make it public with her which is exactly what he did a year ago with another woman. Now he just looks crazy. Ran in to him in person and begged me to talk even though every text is "i dont want to talk to you ever again" He is her problem now. It will hurt from day to day but eventually he will tell her what he told me "im sorry,i tried to hide it as long as i could". And i will feel no sympathy for her.
阅读大部分评论部分。金格两年前对她的关系的评论对我来说很有趣,因为事实是这些类型的男人并不像他们听起来那么特别,因为他们总是贬低和口头攻击他们的伴侣。我也没有嫁给虐待我的人。他来和我和我妈妈住在一起。他威胁说要伤害我的狗,还不断地训斥我,把我放倒,在我妈妈面前表现得很不一样。她完全被他迷住了。我当时在读研究生,他一直告诉我,我不适合这个职业。他还批评我目前作为一名教师的能力,而他对此一无所知。他会叫醒我,或者不让我睡觉,因为他想要秒,或者他会拒绝做爱,好像他在试图避开我。如果我不给他钱还是更好? break off with him; which I did many times, he'd come on gradually with showing affection and once again asking me to marry him even after he had called the police on me trying to get back at him for breaking up with him as well as making false claims against me. I finally kicked him out and made sure he had a place to stay as my mother helped out financially to get him back on his feet since he came to live with us because he had been laid off from his job because the business folded. However, get this, he blamed me for losing his job because I called his workplace just because he had texted me he and other employees were told in a meeting that they all were being laid off. He has a defibrillator in his heart, and I was worried he'd have a stroke! That's why I called him at work because he didn't respond back after I asked him to tell me ifhe was aalright! He actually did get a job that week. He was offered two jobs; one from his former boss. He lied all the time. He manipulatated me in every capacity to find a way to entrap me into a more committed relationship with him so he could do further harm to me. Whatever it takes to get you hooked; marriage or live in relationship, they'll do it before you really see the darkest side of them. This guy is very well educated and extremely organized person and smart. He has a business degree in finance and has been in management jobs for years. He even ran for President one time, but didn't make in to the final primaries. He also had been in Special Forces in the army. He became an Ordained minister which he had received his doctorate in divinity. All these things are true about him. I did a pretty through check on his background. However, he's had numerous duis and several arrests for domestic violence. Now you tell me something? You think that this man would have changed by now knowing he has been counseled, an official Secretary for AA meetings; an Ordained minister which specialized in marriage and family counseling learn Not to be an abuser and who should have resolved his substance abuse issues along with his past of being abused by his father and abandoned by his mother once when he was 3 years old because she was abandoned by his birth father and had to split her 5 children up to live with her relatives temporarily until she was able to get them back and a home where they all could be together again?
我妈妈给了他钱,并照顾他的开销,他说他会还她的。我给了他钱,即使我不能在经济上完全支持或帮助他,因为我可怜的母亲被卷入了这一切,这只会让我更加羞愧和内疚。当他说他终于找到工作时,他答应打电话给我妈妈,并会把钱还给她。他没有,我恳求并警告她不要再给他打电话了。让他打电话给她,但同时也警告她他不会这么做。现在。。她受伤了,觉得被利用了,对他很失望。是的……图。我敢肯定他很快就盯上了另一个受害者然后发现他去了另一个州找他想要的工作。 Good. I did what my friends and family told me to do which was to go to the sheriff's department to report his abusive treatment and prevent him from further abuse by following up with a possible restraint order on him. The last thing he said to my mom was he loved me and wanted to marry me because he could cure me snd straighten more out. He did everything he could to destroy me as a person and make me out to be what he was and convince my mom that I had lost my mind and that he of all people could heal me.