- 煤气打火机坚决发誓他们从未说过他们做过的事。这会让任何人都感到疯狂。例如,你确定你听到他们说他们上周去看电影了。你记得你告诉你最好的朋友,你的男朋友当时正在看电影,但现在他厚颜无耻地盯着你,说他从来没有说过这样的话。他甚至像这样看着你你做一些奇怪的事情或者操纵他。
- 煤气灯会告诉你,你疯了,你身边的人也会担心你的理智。他们可能表现得好像他们是你生命中唯一一个对你足够关心、愿意对你坦诚的人。他们甚至会暗示,某个与你亲近的人,一个朋友或亲戚,小心翼翼地询问你过得怎么样,因为每个人都很关心你所谓的奇怪行为。
- 煤气灯会说你过于敏感或多疑,从而使你的想法和感觉无效。他们通过拉拢他人来重申自己的观点。例如,他们可能会说:“你哥哥对你的看法是对的,你总是反应过度,小题大做。”现在你会觉得,不仅你的伴侣是这样看待你的,你的兄弟也是这样看待你的。这就是当你开始质疑自己,想知道你是否真的多疑和敏感。
- “煤气灯”的目的是疏远你的家人和朋友,以及你生活中的其他人。他们可能会通过索赔来操纵你别人虐待你.他们可能会暗示你的朋友在利用你,你的父母只想控制你,或者你的老板总是在操纵你。他们甚至会把最普通的事情扭曲成让你困惑的样子。最终,你会发现自己在质疑生活中的人。
- 煤气灯用谎言、否认、投射、转移注意力和坚持,破坏你的信念,使你的论点失去合法性。在回答一个非常直接的问题时,a煤气灯会说,“我不会再说一遍了,我不想再解释这么简单的事情了”,或者“你觉得我做了什么?”你才是那个有意见的人。”
艾布拉姆森(2014)打开煤气灯.哲学观点,28(1)病毒。doi: 10.1111 / phpe.12046
作者:Emily J. Sullivan
我受够了煤气灯。我正从四面八方面对它。我父亲是一个专制的煤气灯打火机,当然我也和他有过一段关系。在我成长的过程中,父亲对我的生活缺乏兴趣。十几岁的时候,我和父亲住在一起,他从来不在家,这实际上把父母的责任抛到了九霄云烟之外。我总是为此和他争吵,他发现我是个讨厌鬼。家里从来没有吃的。我经常在朋友家过夜。每当我质问他时,他都会说我一团糟,太情绪化,是个失败者。然后他就会离开。 It went on like this until he remarried. But it became worse. His wife was insecure about my existence. Dad always came to me, telling me what my stepmother didn't like about me, and what I had to change. I was always 'too emotional'. This was always the foundation and he found comfort in this wife who always interfered. In adulthood I gave up. Everyone kisses his ass because there is money to inherit. That was always the weapon. The message has always been to shut up and flatter him or be disinherited. I kept fighting, but anytime anything came up, again, I was told I'm too sensitive and I'm a screw up. I went low to no contact. Anytime I got together with him I had to brace myself for the next episode of being discredited. All I wanted was a normal dad who was interested and protective. Fast forward. We live in the same town. He has his 'new' life with his picture perfect (awful) wife and her kids. Family photos look like a Martha Stewart catalog of perfection. Except I'm blatantly out of the picture. I don't want to be in that fake picture, but it still hurts. I got a boyfriend and for a while it was good and I moved in. But inevitably with both of us tending to drink, eventually the cracks were exposed. When he drinks and gets angry, it's emotional and verbal abuse galore. It started slowly, band then he exhibited some unacceptable behavior. It escalated recently to an alarming level. I pretty much stopped drinking and enabling him. I walk on eggshells. I want to prevent it from getting worse. I have a therapist. I educated myself about alcoholism, narcissism and abuse. My boyfriend is a gaslighter. He says horrible things when his guard is down. I reached out to friends first. They were supportive. They told me to save myself and get out but financially I am stuck. I want to move to another place where I was happier. Where I used to live, where I have a sister. She says to get out. I finally told my father. But of course, he quickly minimized my situation. I had not been physically abused so he was relieved. Once that was clear, he began to discredit my story. He went on the narrative that I must be doing something to anger my boyfriend. He told me my emotions were getting in the way. He told me to call the police if it got bad. He was disappointed I didn't have precise an action plan, even though I was confused, desperate and breaking down. He passively seemed to enjoy my frustration. A day later he texted me. He said it seemed I was having a bad day. At that point, aware of the gaslighting, I kind of flipped. I told him he was minimizing something dangerous and he wasn't taking me seriously. But he was also not used to me being assertive. He responded back saying he wanted to respond to my assertiveness. He was not going to be told by me that he wasn't being helpful. Anyway, I told him I'll talk if we are communicating but the gaslighting must stop and that I reached out because it was serious. So now, if I indeed talk to him, I'm anticipating the ways that he will try and shut me down. All I want is a dad to care. But not with him. I feel so frustrated and alone. He just can't face that he can help in many ways. He is angry that I stood my ground. It will always be a power struggle. And I'm still with my boyfriend, trying to figure out how to get out. There seems like no way to go.
嗨,艾米丽。我是一个31岁的男性。我的Fiancée是一个27岁的女性,我认为她可能是煤气灯。我一直在阅读不同的东西,试图找出是否是我反应过度。说实话,煤气灯似乎是沿着我们的关系正在发生的事情。我们在一起才3年多。我爱我的fiancée,愿意为她做任何事。她的每一天都不一样。有时和她在一起感觉很好,但有时我又害怕说错话。她让我放弃了每一个说他们是坏消息的朋友,他们所做的一切都是让我失望。 I blocked them out of my life almost a year ago and changed my number not long after I decided to move in with my then girlfriend. I had a great friendship with them but my girlfriend got me to believe they were trying to break us up. I know in my mind and heart now that they were just trying to help me get out of a bullying relationship. It’s been almost a year and I’m seriously lost without my friends who will never speak to me again and to be honest I wouldn’t blame them. At the moment we are renting and saving to get a mortgage. This comes from her feeling my mind with positivities and that we’ll have a great life together and that I she can’t wait to finally buy a house and settle down and have a couple of kids together. She knows that I want this as much as her but recently a couple of my family members have texted me and asked why I’ve been so distant and my parents ask why I hardly call to see them anymore. The answer is every time I’ve asked my partner to come to visit my family she has a plan to either go see her parents that weekend (who live a 3 hour drive away) and so I ask what if we call to my parents midweek. Her answer being “well I’m working and I’ll be tired after work” I say well how about we call to them on this date and she will either say no or ok and when the time comes she will pull a sick day or a come up with an excuse. If I call to them on my own she says that I’ve been out there talking about her or something negative will come of it. She constantly says negative things about my family especially my sister and has made it clear she doesn’t like my sister in law because she was good friends with my ex, who at one stage was a good friend of mine also, but unfortunately I’ve been forced to back away from. Last but not least.... Due to our saving for a mortgage together we’ve set up a joint account with the bank (Her Idea). I am not suppose to spend money without her knowing and agreeing to it first. I have a full time job and she does also so we’re both earning. I can’t so much as buy a coffee without her questioning me as to why I’ve used money. This then leads to a massive argument and me being completely put down. If I threaten to leave she takes my phone and car keys from me as they are ours now as she is paying for them too now... She has slapped me on 3 occasions now. Due to all of this, some nights I don’t sleep and I am very emotional at times. Please Help as I don’t know who I am anymore or who I’m in a relationship with??
当我意识到我丈夫在强调我的时候,我崩溃了!我们拥有一家汽车经销店,但在经历了焦虑、失眠、压力和化身博士的性格之后,我真的离家出走了。离开了他,生意和其他一切。这给我带来了一个大问题,但我觉得这对我的理智来说是必要的。我们结婚才两年左右。我于2016年10月17日离开,现在还没有,也不打算再回去。我正在寻求离婚,但这是一个艰难的过程。离开他之后,他做了一些商业欺诈行为,这造成了一些问题。我是企业的主要负责人(所有者),正因为如此,我们的平面图正在找我要他花的钱,而不是支付给他们。我面临着一场12.5万美元的诉讼。 I know that I will need to secure a lawyer, but I don't have the money to do so. My husband is not cooperative neither is he willing to pay the money back. However, I'm glad that I got out of the relationship, with my right mind. Right now, I'm seeing a therapist, just to help me move forward, and reclaim my life. I'm 65 and my husband is 57. He is a great manipulator, and liar and I just want to go on with my life. It's there any advice or help you can give me?
格温多林,我很抱歉让你面对这种事。我觉得你以这样的方式离开真是太不可思议了你把你自己第一。我同意你的观点,除非万不得已,否则不接触是最好的途径。这是自我保护;对他对你生活的影响有一种健康的恐惧是明智和重要的。同时,你去看治疗师是很棒的,尤其是当你遇到煤气灯虐待的时候,去看一个你喜欢的治疗师,倾听你的声音,真的可以帮助你从创伤和困惑中恢复过来。到目前为止,你做了我通常建议的所有事情——你已经离开了,你正在实行不接触政策,你正在看治疗师。这些都是恢复和继续前进的重要方面。关于法律问题,你试过找律师吗?我知道你现在没有钱,但许多律师事务所会给你免费咨询,并把你介绍给可能会帮助你的律师。你也可以使用妇女法律网站上的工具,它应该能帮助你联系到虐待倡导者,并有专门帮助女性摆脱虐待关系的律师和资源,我想如果你告诉他们发生了什么,他们可能会引导你朝着最好的方向解决这个问题。 toWomensLaw.org
阅读这篇文章让我对我在工作中所经历的事情有了深刻的认识。雷竞技是骗人的人们在我周围用暗语交谈。让我看起来像疯子。当我进入下一阶段的时候。告密者的身份已经传出去了。造成了恶劣的工作环境,还破坏了我的车。这被带到下一个层次,然后进行调查。有人说我听到了声音,但没人听到或看到什么。这都是我想象出来的。即使我记录了所有发生的事情。 Employer closed case.