“做你自己”。"You do you." "Listen to your heart." The messages behind真实性是美丽的:你是你的世界的中心,你是唯一的声音。虽然这些短语是鼓舞人心的,我们生活在这样一个世界狂轰乱炸我们的信仰,观点和一般情感的噪音。这将创建一个困境,许多我们斗争如何做我认为像我这样当所有人所有事都试图告诉我怎样想?
- 把一切都持保留态度。我的一个朋友最近尝试了新的运动类和告诉我“不得不试一试,因为它是最好的班我过。”She begged me to buy a month of classes online so we could go together. When I heard her excitement, I felt myself yearn to feel excited too–I almost bought the classes immediately. But instead of jumping in, I decided to try a sample class first. It turned out I did not enjoy the class at all and was glad I hadn't purchased more classes. When we encounter a belief or opinion that resonates with us, it's natural to want to immediately attach it to our identity. We see someone else's positive experience and want to feel it ourselves. However, our desire to "feel someone else's feeling" prevents us from approaching it with authentic thinking. This is where a grain of salt can help–when we take time and explore things from all perspectives, we让我们自己找到我们自己的意见。我们学会独立内心的声音从外部声音,评估我们自己的经验,为我们决定什么是对的。
- 你被允许说:“我不知道。”你不需要了解自己。美丽的事实是,“的工作被自己“永远不会真正完成。我们不是一个完成的项目,必须呈现给世界,希望被视为一个杰作。你可以存在于一个中间的地方,有部分发达国家和其他地区,你没有准备好。给自己的信用是一项正在进行中的工作。认为你是完全真实的了解你自己改变你的想法。
- 挑战你的无意识思想。从我们的核心信念无意识思想发展。通过我们的生活,我们的经历导致我们定义的“事实”生活的工作方式。这些就像种子,扎根在我们,其他想法成长。因为他们是如此根深蒂固,我们常常没有意识到当他们被激活。这将创建自动的思想或想法涌现更多的反应比理性的选择。有时,我们无意识的思想意义。例如,观看晚间新闻可能意味着每次你看黑暗的小巷子,你自动地想,“我不会去那里,它可能是危险的。”But sometimes we create automatic thoughts that do more harm than good. For example, seeing a makeup advertisement and immediately thinking, "that new product will make me prettier." Often our automatic thoughts come from an external voice that has slipped into us without our knowledge. It happens to all of us–there are industries designed solely to plant automatic thoughts. This is why it's important to challenge our automatic thoughts by looking for thought origin points。在下面的视频中,我将讨论起源点的重要性,以及我们如何开始寻找在自己。
玛鲁,b .(2019年3月28日)。如何使用真实的思维建立自尊,HealthyPlace。检索2022年6月3日从//www.lharmeroult.com/blogs/buildingselfesteem/2019/3/how-to-use-authentic-thinking-to-build-self-esteem
Lizanne Corbit