今天早上我偶然发现这个博客....它不可能出现在一个更好的时间。在过去的一年半我经历相同的周期。一周又一周,月复一月。侮辱,戳了我的家人,他从来没有见过面。喝醉的肆虐,把糟糕的一个晚上。甚至不能说嗨到另一个男性朋友,在他面前。名单是无尽的,悲伤的说。阅读这一笑,现在这么多的意义。太多的事实上。 I have not wanted to face the reality of the situation I am...always told myself I'd never be in an abusive relationship. And if I was I'd leave immediately . Easier said than done . I have fallen in love with this blog , there is facts and honest knowledge , it's not like other pages I've come across... This one has hit home and answered/ made sense of some of my unanswerable questions . I will continue to read through for a bit longer .... But Ty for helping open my eyes and realize , I'm not crazy . It is real. And it's time to do something, may not be today, but soon