
谢谢你!理解之光打开我的内心,当我读这篇文章变成眼泪的笑。我认为我疯了。现在我看到它是一种对我的精神释放的巨大伤害我!我已经在28岁的情感虐待关系。我做的每一件事我可以修复我们的关系,因为我确信什么问题是.....这是我的错。我的母亲死于人造骨癌这去年10月我施虐者变得更加糟糕。他已经完全不支持,他的眼睛里闪烁着光芒,大声告诉我,我的妈妈是一个bitc .....,而她的死没有原谅她对待他的方式。他喜欢伤害我。是时候离开了,但我不知道如果我能在经济上分离。 When I went down to help my sister take care of my mom so we could keep mom at home, there were times when I laughed hard and never cried. It felt so good! It was then that I realized I missed our dogs more than I missed my husband! One day I hope to be free of my husband's emotional abuse and laugh with freedom. Perhaps by then, I won't need laughter to release the wall of tears and this great hurt I carry..........