怀疑是思想的绝望;绝望是个性的怀疑。。。;怀疑和绝望。。。属于完全不同的球体;灵魂的不同侧面被设置为运动。。 . Despair is an expression of the total personality, doubt only of thought. -
我记忆中第一次真正的强迫症经历发生在我6岁的时候。一天早上,我在上学的路上做着白日梦。出于某种原因,上帝的话题一直萦绕在我的脑海中(我的家庭是虔诚的基督徒);我在想我们在主日学校总是说我们爱上帝。突然,一个念头在我的脑海里冒了出来,就像一个微弱的声音激我说出“我恨上帝”这几个字。所以我在脑海里想"我恨上帝"我立刻变得焦虑起来,因为我知道我并不恨上帝,这些话只是在我不受控制的情况下突然出现在我脑海里。我试着摆脱它,但是那些话不停地出现:“我恨上帝”,我恨上帝。我开始变得非常焦虑,因为我在想,“住手!我为什么这么说? I love God!" So I forced myself to say in my head "No, I love God", but it didn't help. The words just kept coming and coming and coming, "I hate God", "I hate God". I was fighting back the tears because I was really scared that God could hear me. When I got to school I was really shaken from what had happened. I tried to forget it, but for the rest of the day it was stuck like a splinter in the corner of my mind. When I got home I ran to my mother and tried to explain to her what had happened. I was in tears I was so upset. I tried to explain to her that I couldn't stop saying "I hate God" and was trying to counteract it by saying "I love God". I can still see the perplexed look on her face as she regarded me. I could tell that she knew I was in pain but had no idea why. She told me that it was alright and that I shouldn't worry about it. She comforted me by saying "I know you love God, it's okay". Even though I was only 6 years old, I had a feeling that I was being placated (obviously not in a way I could articulate then, but in retrospect, I think I knew). That's where my self-esteem took a down-turn as I became increasingly aware of how different I was.
在大学的高级高年之后,我并未被诊断出现在16年后。我想认为如果我之前被诊断出来的那些16年之间的痛苦就不会充满了这种痛苦。当他/她的思想被打破时你试图让孩子理解并了解他/她的现实,但答复只是没有意义。如果我刚刚被教导分开是什么,并且在我的思想中是不合理的,我认为我的痛苦可能已经避免(或至少软化)。但那是生命,你所能做的就是现在要治愈自己。它让我养了两年的治疗和药物,最终升起树木。现在我已经更好地了解OCD结束的位置,我开始。我看着它的方式,每个人都有礼物和伤口。生命中的许多挑战之一是找到当他们看到你的礼物时不会超越你的人,并且当他们看到你的伤口时不会逃跑。 OCD is a really tiring, frustrating, and painful wound, but it's just a wound. Try to push it aside and embrace your gift, you'd be surprised what can heal with effort over time.