- 如果(填空)呢?
- 我会说些愚蠢的话。
- 我会做错误的事。
- 这个,那个,或者其他不好的事情可能会发生。
- 我可能会恐慌发作,人们会看到我。
- 我可能会被困住,无法回家。
- (加上你自己独特的担忧、恐惧和假设。)
- 在杂货店:我应该买什么麦片?我已经为配料表和营养信息苦恼了15分钟,我不知道哪个更好,哪个更差。
- 早上:我应该穿什么?也许是我的蓝色衬衫。但人们最近没看到我穿那个吗?他们会怎么想?我的红色的?太花哨?我的法兰绒吗?太随便了?
- 决定晚餐:做点什么?出去吗?在订单吗?我最近做的鸡肉是不是太多了?我应该一周吃四次牛肉还是两次?健康是什么?最便宜的是什么?如果我的决定是错误的呢?我把我们都变成癌症的候选者了吗?
- 从小事开始。匆忙做出重大决定可能会增加焦虑,让未来的决定更加令人生畏。
- 做决定的时候,记下你脑海中出现的所有结果,积极的和消极的。不要判断;只是写。然后,诚实地审视你的清单。你的想法可信吗?划掉不太现实的结果。看看还剩下什么。有什么事情真的有可能毁掉你的生活或你在乎的人的生活吗?
- 添加趣味性。焦虑很重,决策也很重。对于小的决定,把谨慎抛到脑后,以轻松的方式做出决定。抛硬币。掷骰子。抽签。一些小的选择可以减少优柔寡断。
作者:Tanya J. Peterson, MS, NCC, DAIS
我的一天压力很大。我对自己的压力感到焦虑。我担心我的压力会因行为而改变,人们会注意到,然后他们会对我评头论足。我对别人如何看待我以及他们如何看待我感到焦虑。我从不认为我做得足够好,每个人都看到了这一点。他们对我评头论足,认为我是个坏人,一个坏母亲。那我就明白了。我开始思考我在家庭生活中做错的每一件事。我每天都在责怪自己把爸爸从孩子们身边带走。我让他们失望了。 I had had enough. I was tired I'm still tired. I feel as they don't understand why I am doing this and how long it took me to break away.. It Hurts mw that theybblame me. I did my all to do what I thought was bestbfor my children and I still do. I just feel angry about if. I don't even feel as if I enjoy being a mother sometimes. It feels like a burden to me. I have been working so hard and trying to do my best to provide for my kids. I have been pushing myself and I don't know how much farther I can go. I am at the point where I can even plan my days or keep plans or try to make plans or change my mind all the time. Now it's I have anxiety about how the day goes. I break it down day by day , in small pieces , let's gets breakfast out the way and we will do this for lunch and my mind ends up changing 2 or 3 times before lunch and still change my mind. Or even p planning an outing to the park. I will tell the kids we will do it in the morning and it will turn into the afternoon and then I just can't calm my anxiety about getting all th e kids ready, getting them in the car, getting them buckled. Making it to the park... Sitting and watching them play and then I start to rush them because I feel as if everyone is talking about me then the kids through a fit all the way home. ..thisbisbwhy i delay foinv out or keepinv pushing days out...,... And i have ao mucb worry aboht how its gojng to make me feel. And the screaming is just getting to a point of like trigger. I just can't take the screaming and crying anymore... It boggles my head ans I start screaming at the kids and I get so upset that they just don't understand how much I do for them and they have no respect for me...but can't complain about it, because I have been raising them so its my fault they act they way they do...... My life everyday is never ending and never changing... I keep with the routine as best as I can . and it's just chaos from wake up to bed time...its fighting and screaming and crying.... I listen to music and hearing screaming and crying in the background when I'm alone in the car... I worry about not be able to go to the Dr about my anxiety, because it takes me weeks to work up to calling them to set an inspection... I know they see me as a crazy person ... I worry about going to my appts and most the time cancel, because I get to worked up to go....then trying to find time to go...dint like asking time OK ff of work, I want them to know I'm a team player.....I worry about everything that doesn'tatter that I can't focus plan any normal grown up responsibility.. Like getting the bills paid, budgeting or even what's for dinner. I can't keep up with all the kids school progress...its too much...I don't support them enough with their school and work . I am too busy worrying about things that don't matter. Great mom, huh. Then everyone tells me over and over again I'm s great mother, and I feel as if I'm portraying s lie. I feel my kids deserve more...... It's too much to explain.... I have lesrnefcacwsy of living where I think I'm going all I can. But then know I'm not at the same time... Doesnt make since ..... How is it that no one can see that I'm not functioning the best but me.